Stop Smoking Advanced Ruleset
1. Beginning characters start at level 1.
2. Once every hour the character is allowed to make a will check in order to resist poison.
3. No carryover is allowed, if a roll is missed, then next hour only one roll is allowed.
4. Every successfully resisted poisoning gives 1 experience point.
5. Levelling up takes n*10 EXP where n is the current level.
6. As character level increases bonuses are granted to the saving throw. (See appendix)
7. Certain events that affect willpower will grant modifiers to the roll. (See appendix)
8. A roll of 20 always saves, and a roll of 1 always fails, NO MATTER WHAT.
Appendix A
1. The critical events mentioned in the chart above are for those instances where you habitually have ALWAYS had a cigarette before. For example, I always smoke right after I wake up, and when I arrive at and leave work. So at those times, I would apply the critical modifier to my roll.
2. The time modifier referenced above is an acknowledgement that this is a physical addiction, and every success makes the next one more difficult. For every time check period which has passed since your last smoke minus one, you apply this modifier. Sleeping resets the counter. So if you're a level 2 checking every hour and it's been 3 hours since you last smoked(skipped rolls or successful ones), then your next roll will be at a -4.
3. Fatigue also has a degrading effect on will, so for every hour you've been awake beyond 14 you get an additional time modifier.
4. Given that this is a will check and that stress negatively impacts willpower, stresses, good or bad, will give you a modifier.
A) Severe stresses are extremely rare and will inflict a -5 modifier to your roll. These would be so extreme in nature that you might have trouble lighting up due to the shakes, i.e. : car accident, informed of the death of a loved one, death by firing squad, etc...
B) Moderate stresses are uncommon and induce a -3 modifier. These stresses are strong enough to provoke an emotional response, but not the adrenaline rush of the severe stressors, i.e. : getting chewed out by the boss, arguement with significant other, sexual activity, etc...
C) Minor stresses are common and give a -1 modifier. This is the sort of thing that can happen every day, i.e. : busy day at work, finishing a game(win or lose), drinking with friends, stubbing a toe, having to answer the question "does this make me look fat?", etc...
5. Divine interventions. Once per day you can cheat and smoke a cigarette. I'm leaving this one in there to reflect that there are times when you just NEED a smoke. Also for levels 1-5 you can take it after a roll, but for levels 6-10 you have to take it BEFORE.
So there you have it. My expanded ruleset for DMing your own anti-smoking campaign. Some might note that I allow for rolls after becoming an ex-smoker, but I left that in there to recognize the fact that extenuating circumstances might arise where no matter how long it's been you just want to have another cigarette. After 3 days I have 4 experience points (I roll a lot of natural 20's) and am well on my way to becoming an ex-smoker.